Calendar December 18, 2016 12:39

What is happening to the car? It seems like the millenials are killing off the car. First is the manual trasmission, next will be the steering wheel. This new generation is all about being connected. Checking their phones every ten minutes is more important to them than driving a vehicle. My first car was a Chevy Corsica.


It was not fast at all, but it was fun to just have something to drive. I would get in my car and just hit the local Massachusetts roads. I would usually end up somewhere in Nashua, New Hampshire. It was fun to just get out and drive. Now it seems everyone just wants to be on the damn phones. People text and drive like it's a normal thing to do.

So how do we fix the texting and driving problem? Well, let's build them the autonomous car. Let the car drive itself, so they can text and watch movies. Wow. Now I am open to the idea of autopilot, but we're talking full blown autonomous car here. No steering wheel, no gas pedal, basically horse carriage ride stuff. They advertise that we will be more connected to our cars, but in fact, we will be so disconnected from the road. Already, the all new Infinity Q60 comes with no steering column. Its steering wheel is connected to a computer. As you turn the wheel the computer steers the car with simulated feedback on the steering wheel. It's like driving in a video game. Sad.

2017 Infinity Q60

My solution:

I'm buying a cell phone signal blocker. I can't wait to see kids faces as they try to get a 4g signal at a stop light.


Just drive, and enjoy the road.

Posted December 18, 2016 12:39